I've been thinking a lot about the balance of masculine/feminine style in fashion. I often wear a variety of men's clothes and accessories; neckties and high heels have become a classic combination for me. My genderbending style quirk was called out by a group of high school students I'm working with, who were somewhere between unsettled and totally weirded out by the chick in the men's dress jacket and shoes. A week later, a friend and I were out shopping when she declared that she found the term "boyfriend jeans" heteronormative. I keep seeing ladies in men's clothing on The Sartorialist and can't help but to find them attractive. Hmm... wearing genderqueer clothes. Weird? Political? Sexy? Maybe all three. It's something that doesn't happen onstage too often (in a non-Twelfth Night or Rocky Horror Picture Show way), which leaves the only canvas for experimentation to be my own personal wardrobe. Having an undeniably feminine figure, I'm always going to be the chick in the men's dress jacket and shoes. (I did discover a men's large Brooks Brothers wool sweater in my closet that doubles as an adorable, cozy dress when paired with leggings. Yay!) Please experiment, and send pictures.
In my wanderings, I came across this fabulous website documenting the beauty in androgyny and genderqueer identities. The above photo is borrowed from it.