
Press here.

When I was in school, I'd visit the town I grew up in and have to play the part of small town girl makin' it big in the city. Sure, I'm doing pretty well in my (then) new urban climate, but sometimes the encouragement went too far, "we're going to see you on the red carpet someday!" Well, thanks, but not really. I mean, you just watched the Oscars, right? Did you see the costume designers anywhere? And who won? Right, there you have it. I'm not really in this for the fame and fortune, which is good, because even the most famous and fortunate of us are making acceptance speeches while the world goes to the kitchen for another beer.

I'm behind the scenes for a reason, I'm uncomfortable getting my picture taken and feel awkward at parties. But I am a theatre person, which means I secretly love the attention even if it makes me blush. And, in shameless self-promotion, it's pretty sweet when reviewers give me a shout-out.