
Color Schemin'

I've been known to complain that there just aren't enough colors; you're designing your characters' palettes only to realize that there are no colors available to you that are quite right. Even when (and perhaps especially) you render in paint, where there are theoretically limitless options. I'm always struggling with color, and falling in and out of love of one or another. Color is fantastic when it's good and terrible when it's not good (like saba nigiri). After contemplating a heirloom tomato I'd brought home from the farmer's market last summer, a friend of mine noted the gorgeous colors produced by nature, and that any manufactured likeness would just be wrong or not nearly as amazing. I've been testing this theory, and see his point, but I've also seen some exceptions. These are some great fruits-of-the-earth color palettes; let's contemplate. 

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