I forget that most people didn't grow up in a house full of antiques. And in regards to anything pretty and old, it seems most people have a sense of wonder that borders on fear. As in, afraid to breathe too hard anywhere near something that was made before 1960. Often, this is not a bad thing, as lots of things should be preserved and carefully handled. However, some things need to live out their intended purpose. Like this vintage (maybe Victorian?) black glass trim I bought at an auction. Oh the look of horror, "you're going to sew that onto a hat? But it's a hundred years old!". Well, yes. I am going to (lovingly) sew that onto a hat. What good will it do me sitting in a box? You buy a new pretty dress, you wear it out (and maybe avoid red wine). You buy an old pretty dress (or trim or tea towel), you do the same. I might as well show it off and put a little history on that hat. Plus, it ultimately makes my hat cooler than yours.
this is why i love you.