
Well, now, this is just embarrassing...

...it's been over a month since I last posted. I've been out of town twice, in tech once, my social life is all topsy-turvy, and my apartment is a total wreck. But I'm not complaining, just making lame excuses. I'm a working artist, not a starving one. Even if working is bordering on ninety hours a week. I've finally come to appreciate something my father told me years ago; if I worked this hard in any other industry I'd be making either headlines or millions, or both. As much as I love my job, it's starting to look attractive. Then again, it's the end of the season and everyone's swearing to themselves that they'll turn down more jobs and figure out how to make more money and get a better filing system. But we're all going to work ourselves to pieces again anyway. And nobody really knows why.

I do get to see a lot of pretty naked people, however, and last week's wardrobe gig was particularly entertaining.

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